R&W Holistic Therapies - Respectful & Welcoming to all my clients
R&W Holistic Therapies - Respectful & Welcoming to all my clients

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are looking for Tantric treatments then please look at these FAQs

What is the difference between a Therapy treatment and a Massage?

If you look this up the Oxford Dictionary definitions a 'massage' it is the rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints of the body with the hands. Whereas, a therapy session is to treat a disorder and may or may not include any form or massage.

Do you do treatments for both men and women?

Yes my treatments are available to both men, women and couples. I am LBGT friendly and same sex couples are welcome.

Do I need to bring anything or do any preparation?

You do not need to bring anything with for your first visit and equally no preparation is needed, except perhaps to consider hygiene. All towels and anything needed is provided. I do ask for all to show mutual respect and be courteous.

What are your thoughts on 'towel etiquette'?

I often get asked this and in all cases I respect the client and how they feel about it. I am a naturist so it doesn't bother me either way but at all times personal boundaries will and must be respected and recognised. I should also say that nudity does not imply anything sexual whatsoever.
This topic can be discussed at the
Initial Consultation.


Booking Appointments


At colder times of the year, it can take many hours to heat my therapy room up to the required temperature for a treatment. During winter months, approximately 4 – 6 hours. Please keep this in mind when asking for a same day appointment should I have a cancellation.


Also, my diary tends to be fully booked many weeks in advance, up 6-8 weeks ahead at peak times. Please do not call me and expect to be offered an appointment on that specific day or during that specific week - it is not viable & is not going to happen.

Do I need to pay a deposit?


Having had several new clients not arrive for their booked appointment nor cancel that appointment with adequate notice (at least 24 hours) – I MAY ask for a non-refundable deposit to be paid by new clients via PayPal to secure the booking for that specific date & time only. Please call me for a treatment date and then please go to this page.

What if I cancel the appointment very late or simply don't turn up?


My business policy & practices state that I need at least 24 hours notice to cancel a pre-booked appointment. Obviously, good manners would dictate that you give me a call or even text to let me know as much as possible in advance to advise me that you need to or wish to cancel your appointment with me.


For those that choose to just not turn up to their pre- booked appointment or do not give reasonable notice (at least the required 24 hours) and then subsequently wish to rebook, I will only accept another booking once it is confirmed by payment FULLY in advance by credit/debit card online here . This payment is non-refundable should you not arrive for that new booked appointment or cancel that appointment with less that 48 hours notice. This payment must include an additional £65, half of my fee (expences) for the missed appointment. I am too busy for clients to fail to cancel without the notice necessary, 'just not attend', get appointments dates mixed-up etc & not have the courtesy and decency to advise me.


Should clients have repeatedly, prior to me implementing this policy, have failed to attend their pre-booked appointments in the past, payment in full via Paypal must be made 7 days in advance to their new appointment date - link in paragraph above for payment details. Once payment has been received, I will confirm that I have received your payment and confirm your booking. This gives me sufficient & adequate time to fill that appointment, should payment as requested not be made & received.


What do you charge?


On every treatment page there is a recommendation as to the duration or time you should allow for a treatment and a button to link off to the relevent Prices page.  All of my standard treatments are charged by time rather than treatment type - this allows me to give you whatever you need from my range of skills  whilst you are here. The costs for my time for Standard treatments are shown on the Prices page. The prices for Tantric based treatments are shown on the Tantra Price page.

Please note - as a professional therapist I have the right to refuse to take a booking for an appointment if I feel that it is not appropriate to do so! If this is the situation & do not take your request for an appointment - I will of course, if asked, gives you my reasons as to why.

Do you have disabled access?


My Therapy Room is on the first floor - which obviously involves ascending and descending a flight of stairs. Therefore, please do bear this in mind should you have any disabilities.

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